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Lesser-known Things That Affect How Much You Pay For Insurance

auto insurance repairs Falconer

Most people know the factors that impact auto insurance rates: driver's age, model year, and accident history. There are some lesser-known scenarios that influence how much you pay. Here are some surprising things we found when we looked into it.

Whether You Have A Farm

When you apply for your auto insurance policy, you are asked how you use your vehicle. This affects how much you pay. Those who use their auto for business are charged more. If you are planning to use your vehicle on your farm, you will pay the lowest rates. If you're contemplating the purchase of a 100,000-acre dairy farm (aren't we all?), this may sway your decision.

Whether You Are Widowed or Divorced

It's common knowledge that when a driver gets married, his or her rate drops. (Especially his.) If you become single again, the reason for the marriage ending also affects rates. A divorce increases auto insurance rates more than the death of a spouse.


When you are trying to decide between the 6-cylinder engine and the 8-cylinder, you may be thinking about speed and performance. But there are also insurance rate implications. Higher horsepower can mean higher rates.

Daytime Running Lights

Some automobile insurers give discounts if your car has Daytime Running Lights. We assume it's because better visibility lowers the risk of an accident. 

If You Finished College

The amount you pay for car insurance drops as your education level increases. The discount varies per state but in some places it's significant. "In Delaware, a person with a Ph.D. will pay $131 less than someone without a high school diploma, all else being equal." 

Your Credit History

If you have never been cancelled due to non-payment, you may think credit history doesn't matter. Not so. Consumer Reports found that in some instances, bad credit could raise rates higher than a DUI conviction. 

Your Gender?

Car insurance used to be one of the few places that women had the economic advantage. Despite the "bad woman driver" stereotype, car insurers determined that females got into fewer accidents. That may be changing in some places. The Consumer Federation of America found that in some cities, men were given lower rate quotes than women of the same age.

Based on these facts, we determined that a married farmer with three PhDs who drives a 1995 4-cylinder would get a killer rate.

At I-86 Truck & Auto Repair, we serve all of your auto repair and service needs. (We don't care about your marital status or whether or not you have a farm.) Call us at 716-665-2501 to schedule an appointment.