If your car has ever started skidding on a wet or icy road, you know how frightening it is to lose control of both steering and braking. Now, picture that same scenario while trying to land a plane on a short, narrow landing strip.
Anti-lock braking systems first appeared in aircraft and then motorcycles before the technology became available in production autos. Since it has been a standard safety feature for decades, many of today's drivers have never driven an automobile without ABS.
The anti-lock brake system was devised to prevent wheel lock-up during a skid. It does this by applying and releasing the brakes up to fifteen times per second, depending on the optimal rate for maintaining or regaining control.
In the days before ABS, new drivers were taught to pump the brakes in an emergency traction-loss situation. With ABS, you are supposed to apply strong and consistently pressure to the brake pedal if you are in jeopardy of skidding. Though your adrenaline and blood pressure probably go through the roof, the capable ABS system takes over:
1. Monitors the speed of the wheels
2. Determines the necessary braking pressure
3. Regulates the discharge of hydraulic fluid to the brake calipers respectively
You can tell it's working when you feel the pedal pulsing. The essential components of the ABS system are the wheel sensors, valves, pumps and electronic control unit (ECU).
If your ABS alert comes on, or you feel a change in your brakes, call I-86 Truck & Auto Repair to schedule a brake inspection and service. We can be reached at 716-665-2501. Thanks for visiting our blog.